
Computer Keyboard Shortcuts Guide | Work Faster & Smarter! Boost Productivity!

Master the fastest Computer Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows, Word, Outlook & more! Boost productivity, save time & work smarter with these must-know key commands!

⌨️ Essential Computer Keyboard Shortcuts đŸš€

Master these time-saving shortcuts for a smoother computing experience!

Computer Keyboard Shortcuts Guide | Work Faster & Smarter! Boost PProductivity! BongoCyber
Computer Keyboard Shortcuts Guide | Work Faster & Smarter! Boost PProductivity! BongoCyber

General Shortcuts (Must-Know!)

📌 These shortcuts work across most programs, from text editors to browsers and beyond!

🔹 CTRL + A ➝ Select All (text, files, etc.)

🔹 CTRL + C ➝ Copy selected content 📋

🔹 CTRL + X ➝ Cut selected content ✂️

🔹 CTRL + V ➝ Paste copied content 📌

🔹 CTRL + Z ➝ Undo last action 🔄

🔹 CTRL + Y ➝ Redo last undone action 🔁

🔹 CTRL + B ➝ Bold text 🖊️

🔹 CTRL + U ➝ Underline text 📏

🔹 CTRL + I ➝ Italicize text ✍️

🔹 CTRL + S ➝ Save current document 💾

🔹 CTRL + P ➝ Print document 🖨️

Extra Pro Tip: Hold down the Shift key while using these shortcuts to apply them to entire words or selections!

🏁 Windows Explorer Shortcuts

📂 BACKSPACEGo to Parent Folder
🔍 CTRL + FFind File
📌 CTRL + SHIFT + DragCreate Shortcut
📑 CTRL + DragCopy File
đŸšĢ ESCCancel Action

đŸ”ĸ Numeric Keypad Shortcuts:

+Expand Selection
-Collapse Selection
📂 SHIFT + DELETEPermanently Delete File (No Recycle Bin!)

📄 Document Cursor Controls

HOMEGo to Start of Line
ENDGo to End of Line
CTRL + HOMEGo to Top of Document
CTRL + ENDGo to Bottom of Document
📜 PAGE UPMove Up One Page
📜 PAGE DOWNMove Down One Page

🖱 CTRL + ➡️Jump to Next Word
🖱 CTRL + SHIFT + ➡️Select Word

🏷 Special Characters

🔹 (Opening Single Quote) → ALT + 0145
🔹 (Closing Single Quote) → ALT + 0146
🔹 (Opening Double Quote) → ALT + 0147
🔹 (Closing Double Quote) → ALT + 0148
🔹 (En Dash) → ALT + 0150
🔹 (Em Dash) → ALT + 0151
🔹 (Ellipsis) → ALT + 0133
🔹 ®️ (Registered) → ALT + 0174
🔹 ©️ (Copyright) → ALT + 0169
🔹 ™️ (Trademark) → ALT + 0153
🔹 ° (Degree) → ALT + 0176
🔹 ¢ (Cent) → ALT + 0162
🔹 ¼ (¼ Fraction) → ALT + 0188
🔹 ½ (½ Fraction) → ALT + 0189
🔹 ¾ (¾ Fraction) → ALT + 0190

🏆 Microsoft Windows Shortcuts

CTRL + ALT + DELOpen Task Manager / Restart PC
🖱 CTRL + ESCOpen Start Menu
🔄 ALT + ESCSwitch Between Apps
đŸ–ŧ ALT + ENTEROpen Properties

đŸŽ¯ WIN + DShow Desktop
đŸ–Ĩ WIN + EOpen Explorer
🔎 WIN + FSearch Files
đŸ–Ĩ WIN + ROpen Run Dialog
🔐 WIN + LLock PC

✉️ Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts

📩 ALT + SSend Email
📄 CTRL + PPrint Email
đŸ’Ŧ CTRL + RReply to Email
🔄 CTRL + FForward Email
📆 CTRL + SHIFT + ANew Appointment

📝 Microsoft Word Shortcuts

🗂 CTRL + ASelect All
🔠 CTRL + BBold
✍️ CTRL + IItalic
🔗 CTRL + KInsert Link
📝 CTRL + UUnderline
CTRL + ZUndo
CTRL + YRedo
🔍 CTRL + FFind
📏 CTRL + JJustify Paragraph
📄 CTRL + PPrint

📌 Save this page for quick reference and boost your productivity! 🚀đŸ’ģ

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